Friday, February 19, 2016

My Created Screen Shot

Screen casting could provide a different media to reinforce specific concepts. The concept addressed on the screen cast that I created reinforces the concept of creating rhyming words. This concept can be taught through the use of paper and pencil, white board and marker, or magnetic letters. The use of the screen cast creates another media to reinforce this concept. Screen casting could be a great way to reinforce to students the concept of how to perform long division step by step. Screen shot could be used to create a presentation of what decoding strategies students can use when they come to an unknown word in a text. A third option for screen shot would be for students to create how to writings, a form of writing we teach to our younger students in which they write a step by step paper on how to do something such as how to give a dog a bath. Any screen shot created by a teacher could be shared with parents to reinforce particular skills or concepts at home. The screen shot that I created as well as the examples listed fit in well with the first level for SAMR working as a substitution for delivery of specific academic concepts. Screen shot has the flexibility of being a direct teaching tool, a toll that reinforces a concept or a tool to use when reviewing a concept.

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