In the You tube video "Chicago :54" the Substitution model of Bloom's Taxonomy is portrayed as students use the ABC alphabet magnetic alphabet app to spell various words. This provides a substitute for paper and pencil spelling of words.
In the You Tube video "Chicago 1:23" the Augmentation model of Bloom's Taxonomy is portrayed. The teacher discusses the idea of using an Ipad in the hands of every student to see an image. In a less augmented model an image can displayed on an overhead projector for the entire class to see but with the use of an Ipad for every individual the teaching point can be enhanced.
In the You Tube video "Zeeland :19" the Modification model of Bloom's Taxonomy is portrayed. Students use Ipads to create videos to promote the sale of $2 wristbands. Money raised form the sale will help pay for an outdoor classroom. This takes the idea of promoting the sale through the use of announcements and posters a step further.
In the You Tube video "Chicago 1:37" the Redefinition model of Bloom's Taxonomy is portrayed. Special needs students at an elementary school who have trouble speaking us the Icanverse app to help them communicate. Icons are displayed and when touched these can communicate verbally via the Ipad. This app allows these students to communicate verbally in ways they might not have been able to prior.
Gale - just to make sure you are clear, there are some correlations between SAMR and Bloom's, but they are not the same thing. Bloom's is a taxonomy - a classification system. SARM is about the impact of technology within a lesson - is it just doing the same things or is it changing the learning.